Camper StackMs Bird Feeder for StackMs Seed Cakes, Peanuts and Sunflower Seeds
Heath’s 21812 Camper seed and StackMs bird feeder is a twist on our own suet ‘n seed feeders. Instead of adding suet cakes, StackMs seed cakes are the wheels on this classic-style camper. Fill the camper body with your favorite fruit and nut bird seed blend, sunflower seeds or chopped peanuts. The front of the wheel unscrews to add the seed cakes and the top of the feeder opens to fill and locks back in place. Perfect for perching and clinging songbirds, with a full surface feeding area.
- Classic camper design
- Full surface feeding area
- Holds sunflower seeds, chopped peanuts or a fruit and nut blend
- Wheel lock twists off and adjusts to fit two standard StackMs seed cakes
- Twist-lock opens for refilling camper